Discover the Incredible Health Benefits of Wheatgrass: The Ultimate Superfood
Wheatgrass is the name given to young Agropyron plants, which are related to wheat. Wheatgrass contains various amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, so can offer a variety of health benefits.
Healthy skin
Wheatgrass is high in antioxidants, such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, which are beneficial for skin health. Antioxidants can help to repair damaged cells, as well as delaying the ageing process.
Consumption of wheatgrass over a period of time is thought to heal acne and reduce scarring. Wheatgrass is also recommended for eczema and psoriasis, as the high vitamin content can benefit these skin conditions.
Wheatgrass can be applied topically to cleanse and tone the skin. It can also give you firmer, younger looking skin.
Wheatgrass is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
The chlorophyll in wheatgrass means that it can be used to detoxify the body. Wheatgrass helps to neutralise toxins and purify the blood, as well as removing heavy metals from the body. It is also thought that it can minimise the effect of air pollution and remove scars from the lungs.
Cancer prevention
Wheatgrass is high in beta-carotene, which can help to provide protection against cancer. As an antioxidant, beta-carotene can reduce the damaging effects of the free radicals which may cause cancer.
Consumption of wheatgrass also helps to balance the acidic levels of the body, which can help to prevent cancer.
Immune support
Due to the vitamin content in wheatgrass, consumption can help to boost the immune system and fight off illnesses. Wheatgrass is a good source of vitamin C, which is vital for maintaining a healthy immune system and fighting infection.
Healthy digestion
It is thought that wheatgrass can provide relief from digestive issues, such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The vitamin B, enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can all help to promote healthy digestion. The high level of enzymes assist in the proper break down of foods and the absorption of nutrients.
The chlorophyll content can also help digestion as it cleanses the bowels, which can reduce the occurrence of bloating and discomfort.
Wheatgrass may help in weight loss by reducing appetite and increasing metabolism
Energy provider
Wheatgrass can help to increase energy levels, due to the high amounts of nutrients that it contains. It is also thought that it may aid weight loss, as increased energy will allow longer periods of exercise.
How to consume wheatgrass
Fresh wheatgrass can be used to make juice. The wheatgrass can be mixed with other fruit and vegetables to make a juice or smoothie. It is recommended that you start off by consuming one shot glass a day, as drinking too much may cause diarrhea. You can gradually increase your intake once you get used to it.
Wheatgrass can also be taken in capsule or powder form. The powder can be added to juices or smoothies.
Wheatgrass is normally suitable for people with wheat allergies, as it is harvested before it turns into a grain. It is very rare for a wheat allergy sufferer to have an allergic reaction at the grass stage, but if you do have an allergy it is best to seek medical advice before adding wheatgrass to your diet.