
Lucuma Fruit: The peruvian Superfood with Incredible Health Benefits


Lucuma is a nutritious fruit that grows in the Andean valleys of Peru. Also called the ‘Gold of the Incas’, it has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. It is a good source of nutrients, including vitamin B3, beta carotene and iron.

Protection against heart disease

The vitamin B3 content in lucuma can help to decrease the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that consumption of B3 can raise the levels of good cholesterol (HDL), while lowering the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), although significant quantities of the vitamin would need to be consumed for this benefit.

Skin repair

Lucuma can work as an anti-inflammatory, which is beneficial for the healing of wounds. Research has found that the consumption of lucuma can increase wound closure and promote tissue regeneration. It is commonly used in South America for purposes of natural healing.

Cancer prevention

Lucuma is rich in beta carotene, which is thought to be beneficial in cancer prevention. Beta carotene has antioxidant properties, which can help to cleanse the body of free radicals which may cause cancer. The risk of serious disease can also be lessened by healthy cell regeneration, which is promoted by the consumption of beta carotene.

Keeping teeth and bones strong

There is approximately 92mg of calcium per 100g found in lucuma, which can help to keep teeth and bones strong. Calcium deficiency can cause problems such as osteoporosis. Dairy products are often thought of as the main source of calcium, but it can also be found in fruits such as lucuma.

Immune support

There are several nutrients found in lucuma that can help to support the immune system. One tablespoon of lucuma provides approximately 2% of the recommended daily allowance of iron, which is an essential mineral for remaining healthy. Iron can help to strengthen the immune system, enabling the body to fight off disease and infection.

The high levels of beta carotene in lucuma can also improve the immune system, as beta carotene can be used to boost immunity.

A healthy sweetener

For those who want a healthy alternative to sugar, lucuma can be used as a natural sweetener. It is lower in calories than most sweeteners and doesn’t cause blood sugar levels to spike and crash, due to being a low glycemic index food. It is also suggested as a safe, low sugar option for diabetics. As lucuma is a low glycemic index food, it can also be beneficial for weight loss.

How to add lucuma to your diet

Lucuma fruit can be difficult to find outside South America, but it is readily available in powdered form.

The powder can be added to desserts such as ice cream, cookies and cakes. Lucuma is the most popular flavour of ice cream in Peru, with the taste being compared to maple syrup. This makes it an excellent addition to many sweet dishes.

It can also be added to smoothies, granola or muesli for a healthy and tasty breakfast. Raw chocolate bars with lucuma are available for a treat with added health benefits.

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