Nutrition,  Recipe

Lemon-aid for Your Health: 5 Reasons to Add More Lemons to Your Diet


Most people are aware of the health benefits of citrus fruits such as oranges, but lemons are often overlooked. Lemons are a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals, and they can offer numerous health benefits.

Fighting infections

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which is beneficial in boosting the immune system and fighting off infections, such as the common cold. A medium sized lemon can contain up to 40% of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. Lemons also contain a trace of Vitamin A, which helps to maintain a healthy immune system.

As well as aiding in the prevention of colds, lemon juice can also be used to treat and relieve sore throats caused by the common cold. It can also be applied to insect bites and wounds to help prevent infection, as it is a natural antiseptic.


Lemons are a great source of vitamin C, which supports a healthy immune system and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases


Cleansing and purifying

Lemons are a gentle and effective way to cleanse the body. A glass of home made lemonade is a natural way to gently remove toxins. Even a few drops of lemon juice in hot water can help to cleanse the digestive system and the liver. Cleansing the digestive system can to prevent the build up of toxins, which could cause various health problems. It is also thought that lemon juice can prevent certain gastro-intestinal infections.

Prevention of serious illnesses

Lemons have antioxidant properties, which are important for deactivating free radicals and preventing serious health conditions. The antioxidant properties found in lemons can help to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Potassium, which is essential for cell function, is also found in lemons. This mineral is necessary for maintaining the health of vital organs and muscle tissue. The juice from one lemon contains approximately 50mg of potassium.

Cholesterol levels can be improved using lemons, as they can help to lower the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL – the bad cholesterol), and increase the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL – the good cholesterol).

It isn’t only the flesh of the lemon that has beneficial health properties. The compound limonene, which is found in lemon peel, is thought to have anti-cancer properties.


The acidity of lemons can help balance the pH levels of the body and promote overall health


Other benefits

As well as the numerous health benefits to be gained from eating lemons, they can also be used externally to treat acne and itchy skin. Lemon juice can also be applied to naturally lighten the hair, or to treat greasy hair and dandruff. It has even been suggested that using lemon on the face can reduce wrinkles!


Adding lemon juice to your smoothies can enhance its flavor and provide additional health benefits


Ways to include more lemon in your diet

The use of lemon is often limited to a slice in a drink, or garnish on fish or salad, but there are so many more ways that it can be used!

Lemonade can be made by mixing lemon juice with sugar and honey to sweeten, or for a milder taste lemon juice can be added to hot or cold water for a refreshing drink.

Lemons can also be used in a variety of desserts, whether it’s using the juice in a sorbet or the peel in a cake. Lemons also make a nice addition to some curry, pasta and risotto dishes.

There are many tasty ways that lemons can be used, so you can enjoy the taste and reap the health benefits.

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